
Showing posts from 2010

So far apart...

The night is young.. hmmm I'm not trying to be a poet tonight.. I'm listening to Kelly's song "so far apart" and thinking that this would be a nice topic for my blog tonight. It's hard to be so far apart with something or someone that you would want to have or be with. Can you stand the distance? can you endure the test of time? its funny that I'm just starting and I'm throwing all these questions that even i don't know the answers. Hmmm only time will tell until i will finally meet you again. we may be this far apart this very moment, but hey, I'll be waiting. I will be just right here. The question is, will you be there at the time where we'll meet?

Post Birthday update

Hi y'all.. justcelebrated my 23rd birthday. It was full of surprises! :-) I enjoyed it a lot even though I spent most of it at our Community duty. I was amazed of the people who remembered me on my day and those who even gave me some bits of treats and surprises! Here it goes... I woke up early in the morning very hopeful and expectant on what God has for me on that day. I really did not know what to expect. I am so blessed and just so thankful for the goodness that He has shown into my life. So i went on to prepare for my duty and my mom greeted me a happy birthday :-). I arrived at school at 7 am, some of my classmates already greeted me with a happy birthday and then i noticed that some of my friends were kinda missing.. hmmm i was a bit wondering on what they are up to... then i waited until a surprise came! OMG, there were balloons, cakes and a gift.. They were all singing and were all smiling. I was overwhelemed with so much joy and happiness.. wow, its been a while that i ac...

I'm back ! ! !

Hey y'all!!! i'm definitely back to blogging again.. I'm hopeful to continue this as much as i can and can remember... As i was going through my previous posts way back, it inspired me to write again and hey, somebody posted a comment on one of my posts! That means a lot! Anyway, so many things had happened and there's definitely one thing that is "happening" as of the moment and that is my Schooling. I'll be graduating by 2011, that's next year! how time flies.. FINALLY !!! I'm excited about that and i'll be going back to my 2nd home and back to work. I miss it there. I've been active on FB and Twitter... Kelly Clarkson is on twitter thats why i'm on twitter too!!! One thing that makes twitter so cool was that Kelly Clarkson, yes the one and only American Idol, REPLIED on my tweet!!! Score!!! Well, life is exciting and challenging so far. There were issues i had to face and end. There were people that I had to deal with and understand...