The difference between discouragement and encouragement IS DETERMINED BY WHOM you depend on God or man.

There was a certain man there who had suffered with a deep-seated and lingering disorder for thirty-eight years. When Jesus noticed him lying there [helpless], knowing that he had already been a long time in that condition, He said to him, Do you want to become well? [Are you really in earnest about getting well?] —John 5:5,6

FOR THIRTY-EIGHT years this invalid had tried repeatedly to get into the healing waters, but with no one to help him it was hopeless. Of all those who had been healed at the pool not one remained to help him. Discouragement had taken over his life. His response to Jesus was not an immediate, "Yes, Lord," but a rambling of why he had not been healed.

If your faith is in others, discouragement from their failures to love and care for you will be inevitable. If your faith is in Jesus Christ, healing and wholeness are in Him for you. Jesus is an inexhaustible fountain of healing for whatever you need. Others may have left you behind, but Jesus seeks you out. Receive from Him the power to rise up and walk through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Ann said…
sometimes we put too much focus on what people can do to us and yet find ourselves discouraged bcoz they fail us at times..It`s good to always remind ourselves that we have God that is always ready to lift us up during those times! We just have to COME to HIM and allow HIM to move in us!

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