lesson learned

life is always a journey. sometimes you just don`t know what road to take and pass thru. hmmm... lots of people to encounter ... and as we go further we`ll learn that life is just The way it is BUT We can do SoMeTHING about it!

we have our share of own experiences in what is so called "life"...  mine was indeed an experience! i`ve learned a lot so far... i`ve realized that there are some things that God allows to happen FOR me to become More Strong... There are situations that I don`t wanna deal with b`coz u know it just hurts... it makes me cry... I wanna run and hide from it BUT i`ve reached the point wherein i have to face the truth! truth really hurts,,, yeah... But Thank Jesus for being there for me... without His strength I don`t know where to put myself... sigh... Jesus Cares everyone! He loves U n ME sooooo much more Than we could ever imagine... God`s love is beyond what our mind can understand!

life is nothing without HIM! He is the ONE that we`ve been searching for all Our journey in LiFe!


Anonymous said…
Good words.

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